Is This The Reason You're Over-eating?
This is the elephant in the room.
When you’re doing something you’re really passionate about, when you’re in the flow you aren’t thinking about food. When people are living stressful non purpose driven lives food, alcohol, drugs < insert numbing behavior > become a way of alleviating this problem which can seem impossible to solve.
Yet this existential crisis will not be solved by dieting, in fact, the stress of dieting is likely to further exacerbate and highlight it. Often when I’m coaching women they realize that the life they are leading is unsustainable if they want to live healthy full lives. Shifting your entire life around can seem like a daunting task so I always recommend starting with small shifts over time. Start by finding out what excites you and makes you feel alive. Follow your bliss as they say and keep on going until you find a passionate and purpose driven life you no longer need to escape from. ️
It could start with something as simple as a gratitude list.
Jot down just one thing every day you are grateful for or you think that went well. Even if you don’t feel like it is a life changer, this behavior can go a long way in brightening a challenging day and that is always a win. Put one foot in front of the other.
If you are reading this right now, thank you. This sounds so cliche, but I don’t have a better way to say it right now. Thanks for reading! You’re on my gratitude list.