The Woman's Body Coach

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Benefits Of High Protein Diet !

Three benefits of a high protein diet !

  • Higher thermic effect and therefore takes longer to digest so you’re burning calories while eating.

  • Satiates so you feel less hungry.

  • Protects against bone loss and helps to build muscle.

Women will tend towards carbs and fats. Once they start eating higher protein they are usually surprised by how full they feel. Carbs are often bottomless in that we can continue to eat them without getting too full but very rarely are you going to over eat lean protein.

In shifting body composition down, high protein is proven in multiple studies to assist that process. We tend to lose bone density when we lose fat and high protein protects against that. This is important because as we lose bone density our metabolism slows down. This means we will need less food to continue seeing changes.

In maintaining body composition higher protein helps us feel satiated so we aren’t searching for those extra calories from those delicious hedonic foods that resulted in the physique we wanted to change.

So as you can see, protein is much more than a muscle- building supplement. It is a vital macronutrient needed for the development. At all phases protein will be used to help you develop and repair.

The switch to high protein is always hardest in the beginning but after 4 weeks of coaching you’ll be a protein pro.

Written by Alexandra.
Edited by Deepa