Inspiring People : Vincent Clohessy — The Woman's Body Coach

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    Inspiring People : Vincent Clohessy

    Inspiring People : Vincent Clohessy

    This blog continues a series of interviews I conducted with a select group of people in London and nearby who inspire me to be the Highest version of myself. All of the people included are serving their communities in their own unique way, raising consciousness and healing people as part of their life path. The questions are philosophical and designed to reveal something deeper about the subject. With great pleasure I introduce Vincent Clohessy.

    I met Vince via a friend a couple of years ago and we instantly clicked. He's somebody who has really done the work and you can see it. Vincent is an absolute pleasure to be around and will always see the beauty in everything. I'm now proud to call him my friend, and one I can rely on to guide me to the Highest vision of self...

    Vincent recalls being bitten by the love-bug at the tender age of 7, finding himself with a burning curiosity about romance and intimate relationship dynamics ever since.

    Being a relationship coach affords Vincent the opportunity to do what he loves while making a difference in ways that count. Having studied at Sage University of Coaching in Spain, developing a thriving coaching practice in London, he now plans to go nomad and travel the globe, sharing his message - 'Love Is Always The Answer' - to empower couples to respond with love, instead of reacting with pain and fear when relationship conflicts arise. 

    You've got three wishes, what would they be?

    1st, for an endless supply of wishes.

    2nd, the ability to go back 5 steps if any of my wishes turn out to have unintended or negative consequences.

    3rd, the wisdom to use my wishes for the good of all.

    4th, sorry, you did say 3!

    5th,wish is to stop being so greedy with the wishes I’ve been granted!

    If the average lifespan was just 40 years what would you have done differently?

    Focus on connecting to my authentic voice, my message and sharing my truth that love is the answer. And I’d spend all my resources on spreading this idea far and wide.

    What is something you know you do differently to other people?

    I hear beyond the words people use. I feel the sentiment and emotion beneath, that’s trying to get out and be communicated.

    Has your greatest fear ever come true?

    I don’t know what my greatest fear is. There are many. And I don’t keep an accurate record of my fears and whether or not they become a reality. I’d suggest the likelihood is 1 in 10 might become reality, and of those that do, 9 out of 10 weren’t actually harmful! The remainder that do materialize I find are great lessons. Often in humility. I learn a lot from them. Just as trees benefit from powerful winds to develop strong roots. 

    When was the last time you marched into the darkness with only the soft glow of an idea to believe in?

    My toilet last night around 3.15 a.m.!


    To find out more about Vincent or to book a free introductory relationship coaching-session please visit his website:

    I couldn't recommend anyone hard enough!!

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