Alexandra stone Founder of WBC

Alex has been in the fitness industry for over a decade and in the online coaching space for 5. Trained in multiple movement modalities, personal training, yoga, Pilates and barre, movement is a true passion along with nutrition and self development. Alex has trained with some of the best people in the world, competed in body building competitions, been to long silent meditation retreats, countless hours doing yoga, Pilates, barre and personal training courses. Her thirst and curiosity for learning is life long, her highest value is health and biggest passion is to help other women optimize their health and fitness using a 360 compassionate approach to actualizing potential. This is what gives her purpose and meaning, it’s why she is here.

Alex’s super powers are in her compassion, passion, empathy and versatility; she will stay with you when the going gets tough through all sorts of life’s challenges offering an array of fantastic tools to support and guide you.

Certified Trainings: Yoga 300hours, Pilates Reformer and Mat 1 and 2, Barre certified, ISSA personal training and sports nutrition and NASM Sports Nutrition. Layne Norton Nutrition. Certified EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Coach and accredited training provider in EMDR (Eye Movement, Desensitization and Reprocessing).

As well as 121 coaching, Alex is available for workshops, events and public speaking. She has worked with big brands such as Nike, Lululemon and Sweaty Betty, taught at large scale festivals and corporate events.


Laura MCQUEEN head coach

Laura studied dance after leaving school covering multiple dance styles including ballet, jazz, contemporary, ballroom and latin american. She became a qualified dance teacher and has taught dance workshops to a range of ages. Her love of movement evolved into a passion for capoeira, a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, music and spirituality. This passion took her all around the world training with some of the most influential capoeira masters.

Alongside capoeira Laura developed an interest in weight lifting. 6 months after starting her weightlifting journey she enrolled in a bikini competition at UKUP and became a bikini athlete champion. Qualifying as a level 3 personal trainer Laura began to coach women to realise their potential both in and out of the gym specialising in building the female physique.

Laura was coached by Alex for 2 years before becoming a coach for the Woman’s Body Coach, she has now moved up into the position of Head Coach. Over this time frame she has further developed a practice of mindfulness, self compassion and a true holistic framework for health and fitness to compliment her own significant body of knowledge. 

Laura’s superpowers are her exceptional eye for detail, her empathetic approach and her passion for holistic health. She specialises in mentoring dancers to lead with confidence and become their own unique authentic expression. 

Certified Trainings: TheLotteBerk Barre Technique trained by Sophie Ritchie (new 2024!), BTEC ND Dance, HND Dance, CDO Capoeira 3rd belt, L3 PT

Laura is available for 1-1 online coaching globally, in-person PT & workshops in London. She teaches a weekly class at the Discobarre studio in Dalston London.

T Proctor Resident Counselor

T guides people online to bring the courage, clarity, and heart needed to work through difficulties, traumas, and blockages to self-realization. Using the power of compassionate inquiry and acceptance as well as precise present moment contact, his focus is on more than simply resolving problems, but the capacity of each individual to rest deeply in the peace, wisdom, and contentment of being.

After just one session with T, I felt like I had gone to new depths but had a new sense of safety – nothing felt overwhelming. And the whole session seemed to ebb and flow at a pace that I was setting, so pressure and expectation seemed to disappear. Incredible.

Vincent Clohessy Love & Relationship Coach

Vincent works with singles looking to find love, and those in relationships looking to improve connection.

Singles Coaching

Getting you relationship ready, so you can avoid the negative patterns from past relationships and create a future love that lasts.

Couples Coaching

Help with communication, conflicts and connection with your partner so you avoid fights and arguments that drive you apart.

His coaching brings in a range of dynamic approaches that open up new ways to look at your relationship and make the very best changes, so you can reignite loving connection and love passionately free from harmful conflict.

If you’d like to find out more about about Vincent’s services please email ~