The Hip Thrust Exercise Turns 14

The Hip Thrust Exercise Turns 14

I couldn’t let this anniversary pass without saying something about the hip thrust exercise; my most beloved and yet feared exercise turns 14. Bret Contreras created the hip thrust exercise for a number of reasons and all of them very important in terms of building the female glutes. Let’s see what Bret says about the hip thrust.

Throughout the movement, the glutes stay under constant tension, and back strength is not a limiting factor, which cannot be said of other popular glute building movements. This allows for maximal loading of the glute musculature.

“Back strength is not a limiting factor”.

This is a really important part of the equation. While squats were shown in a recent study to out build the hip thrust exercise, this study was done on highly trained women whom I assume have trained for many years and most likely have a genetic component on their side. When I train women new the squat is a really tough exercise to master along with the other major lower body builder, deadlifts. This is because in most women the upper body is significantly weaker than the lower. They have to choose lighter weights and progression takes time and consistency, the glutes just don’t get the load they deserve at least for a good while. The deadlift and squat are wonderful full body exercises but very taxing and often can introduce little niggles and issues that the targeted hip thrust movement often doesn’t.

I know girls who can do a 200kg hip thrust but are doing a 60kg squat, or a 150kg hip thrust and a 70kg deadlift. This is not to render the squat or deadlift obsolete, indeed they form a part of a well rounded program when appropriate, and are of equal importance. It’s just that when I want to build a booty, the hip thrust is my safest go to, whilst delivering excellent and fast results. I credit this exercise with playing a large role in building my own peach for competition.

The hip thrust is accessible to most people, it doesn’t just have to be with a barbell in a gym, we can thrust with body weight, with 1 leg, a dumbbell, a kettle bell, a resistance band.

Happy Birthday Hip Thrust! A little shout to the brains behind the booty Bret Contreras who breaks down this exercise beautifully here.

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