Why You Can't Lose Weight — The Woman's Body Coach

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    Why You Can't Lose Weight

    Why You Can't Lose Weight

    There are patterns of resistance that come up consistently  for all of us, 

    (I’m not exempt, I have blocks and blind spots too.  )

    I work on mine, I’m interested in them, I like the challenge and the payoff.

    A blindspot/block is hard to spot if it’s unconscious so what does a blind spot look like?  

    Putting up a wall of resistance before you’ve even tried.  
    Even though doing that very thing will get you what you really deeply want.  

    Like this : you want to lose fat? 
    Ok walk 10,000 steps a day. 

    “But it’s raining outside.”  

    Like this: you want to build muscle? 
    Ok eat 150g of protein a day and lift weights regularly. 

    “I can’t eat that much protein and I can’t go to the gym again because I (chose) to work late.” 

    Like this: I want to learn about nutrition  
    Ok weigh and track your food.  

    “But that’s just extreme and obsessive.” 

    Like this: I want to feel more peaceful and present in my life. 
    Ok so meditate for 20mins daily.  

    “I don’t have time.” 

    Like this: I am really unhappy with my body.  
    Ok so let’s get a program together and get working.  

    “Working on your body is not feminist, you should just love your body the way it is.”  
    (Except you don’t)  

    Like this: My hormones are hell, I need help!  
    Ok so let’s track your cycle daily for 3 months. 

    “I forgot again, it’s just too hard to do it everyday.’  

    Our reasons for unconsciously blocking our desires are myriad. It’s often connected to a stubborn self image.  When we shift blind spots and behaviour in a positive direction we shift our SELF CONCEPT. Arguably this is the most important and interesting thing about trying to do something hard and succeeding. It strengthens our character and we gain confidence, self respect and self trust.  

    Set the bar low with very small goals and work up to harder ones to gain self trust.  
    You - got - this.

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