Featuring  Laura Moss Representing The Woman's Body Coach

Featuring Laura Moss Representing The Woman's Body Coach

This week I am honored to feature a very special person, Laura Moss on my blog. I came into contact with her a few years ago when I moved back to Liverpool.

She had worked with my sister in the NHS and Louise had told me she had won a physique competition. I was in the middle of competition preparation so I was naturally curious.

I set up a PT session with her and she was amazing. Laura’s attention to detail really blew me away. She helped me grow my much needed shoulders between bikini preps and in my second show, I placed.

I returned to her in my off season and she helped me build my Glutes. That girl has talent! As she was building my Glutes I was guiding her yoga practice and supporting her to build a spiritual frame work into her life.

I have been coaching her now for many years and I have watched her blossom into a highly self aware person who is really bringing that forward in her life.

Laura has some crazy secret talents too, she is unassuming so it’s always a bit of a surprise when she reveals a new one. So far I know she was a dancer for many years, she can paint and play piano, is a bikini champion, assists surgeons in the theatre and is also a brilliant personal trainer. What else is she hiding?

It’s for all of these reasons, the fact she has worked with me and understands how I work, that I have chosen her as the first coach to represent @thewomansbodycoach

You can now book her as your coach! Keep being wonderful Laura. I’m so proud to have you on my team. Please book your session using the link below.


Written by Alexandra.
Edited by Deepa

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