The Woman's Body Coach

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The Importance Of Good Posture And Tips To Improve Your Posture

Why is it so important to work on good posture?

Our skeletal system is formed to keep us in correct alignment to allow our body to function optimally.

A lot of the time poor posture can be the main reason for pain in our muscular and skeletal systems. Back pain, joint pain and shoulder pain can be a few symptoms of poor posture. When our posture is poor it has an effect on the surface of our joints causing it to wear over time .. resulting in injury and even a medical diagnosis such as arthritis. Misalignment also creates stress on the ligaments that are meant to stabilize our muscles in the correct place preventing injuries .. an example of this would be a dislocated shoulder.

Now anatomically us humans are not perfect. Our genetics dictate which muscles are stronger than others, leaving us with natural weaknesses in our muscular system. Our daily lives, such as the types of jobs we do, activities we take part in and incorrect training can also be a factor in cultivating imbalances in our anatomy.

So what is the solution to this problem?

Having a training program in place that facilitates building the weaker muscles whilst not neglecting any other part of your body. Working on correct posture .. giving you a better understanding of what correct training should look and feel like.

A deeper understanding of this means long term changes for your overall health and wellbeing. Every person is an individual and although our anatomy is pretty much the same, both genetic and external factors influence the differences in each of us .. it's really important to have a training program that is tailored specifically for you and your body.

Written by Laura.

Edited by Deepa