Cross Training to Improve Fitness

Cross Training to Improve Fitness

Mix it up. Cross train your body in a few different movement disciplines. If you’re a yogi try something like weightlifting or climbing to create balance. Weightlifters try yoga or Pilates, something that challenges the body to move in unison whilst engaging parasympathetic nervous system. Runners mix it up with weights and Pilates, cyclists try climbing and barre ... mix up strength and agility, move joints in their full range, build muscle in a balanced way, learn to use the core properly, use smaller muscle groups and bigger ones, get the Adrenalin rush and relaxation and every now and then do something completely outside of your comfort zone like surfing or boxing, ballet or anything that just looks to you like a challenge.

We build new neuronal pathways when we move in different ways, expanding our capacity as human beings.
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